Join the Library
Get a Library Card
Latzer Library is locally funded by property taxes paid by persons who live or own property within the library’s taxing area (within Highland City limits). If you live or own real estate within this area, your taxes support the library and a card will be issued at no charge. This is known as a Resident Card. Resident Cards are good for three years. You may fill out a Resident Card application online.
If you reside within the Highland School District but your address is outside of Highland City limits, you may purchase a Non-Resident card for $85.00/year (beginning September 1, 2024, the fee will increase to $100.00/year). This fee includes card privileges for the entire household. Please visit the library to apply for a Non-Resident library card.
Cards must be presented for checkout of materials. All cards may be used at any member library of the Illinois Heartland Library System.
Fines: Latzer Library is Fine Free.
Items will still have a due date and materials will still need to be returned. Patrons will also receive several reminders to return checked out materials. If an item is not returned, or is returned damaged, patrons will be responsible for replacement charges.
Interlibrary Loans
The Latzer Library is a member of the Illinois Heartland Library System, which is fully automated and online. This allows all libraries in the system to see each other’s items and borrow them free of charge. Items not available through the system may be available through OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). If a fee is charged by the lending library, it will be charged to the patron. You must have a valid library card to use Interlibrary Loan.
Loan Periods
Items may be checked out for 2 weeks at a time and usually can be renewed twice with the exception of DVDs. These may only be checked out for one week and cannot be renewed. There is a limit of 6 DVDs, CDs, and/or audio books per adult card (this includes those ordered from other libraries). Patrons must be 18 or older to check out DVDs.
Materials Available
30,000+ Adult Books, 15,500+ Juvenile Books, 3,200+ DVDs, and 2,500+ Audiobooks & CDs.
Reciprocal Borrowing
Your library card can be used in other Illinois Heartland Library System libraries.